In... www.shoe.org
"we come to the table and draw up our chairs
and facing each other on opposite sides of this baize
the long lazy day takes on a new tension
now i'm on full alert
i'm stood to attention
as your gaze travels over me searching for tells
i remind myself "don't catch her eye"
so as we tap out our decks
i put on dark specs
and we both don the cards' joker faces
because they're our best poker faces
then i complicate
build my disguise
while all the time watching you out the corner of my eye
my starter for ten isn't underhand
i just open right up
and show you my hand
it lets you believe that you've got me sussed
by making it all so obvious
so i show you my set ups
give it away
all the ways that they can be laid
i'll show you some tricks
and how i fix rounds
i'll throw in the whole pack
spread them all out
shuffle them
muddle them
but leave you no doubt
that i'm going to hold some of them back
maybe the queen of hearts
maybe the jack
at least for me
this tomfoolery
serves to hide the wood in the trees
so that when we pull back our chairs i can walk away free
all i've done here today is shown you the cards
what of the game?
it wasn't hard - we didn't really play
so there wasn't a gamble
this was just some preamble
so turn around now and just walk away
leave me to clear this tired table down
but as i restack my deck with nimble slim fingers
there's one question that lingers
one i never say...
why learn my tells if you don't want to play?"