... I will dedicate this post, to all my friends OUT there!
I know Ive been a bit "far" these days, but my grandfather's death stroke me pretty bad... but Im feeling much calm lately... and i just wanted to share it with you:)
This video is my sign of friendship... thank you all 4your patience!:)
loves you... AR
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
"Waiting on a Waitress..." (It's a poem I wrote a long time ago... and now I seem to be "recycling" this feeling toward someone new!:))

Someone's sick reality just stroke me through!
Those eyes, the moon...
knocked down this forehead noon
in between... did anyone moaned?
Tasteless wines are about to be re-invented
I’m sure they will... I’m able to see that too!
You see... my sore eyes usually get translucid...
...with the sights of you
So long ever after... but not long ago,
I still find thoughts... within the blue
I will hopefully distill,
aging memories out of you...
Into stolen spirits I dive,
while carefully stays this intent... in laying between the oak
Always against my will I tell them!
My heart is 'woodenning' here,
within floating wishes... for my careless waitress...
Once again, she drives me insane.
All the same, I came...
I long to forget,
all this empty green bottles she kept
Night after day... quite careless I might say?
but then... there's this 'body of mind' firmly staying...
as still as can be... standing there:
waiting on her
wetting just lips
waiting on leaves
waving on hands
leaving painful sweets in store... as she leaves me dry and sore...
you see...
each night I must pay, to go and see her move
night after day, thousands of barrels are presented my way:
Waiting on tables,
drinking white sables,
my taste perceives no happy ending?
I unable the pain, by calling on her once more...
I keep calling this wait!
I see her slide... she is on her sway...
'More barrels of wine', I usually say
The night is young,
alcohol starts its journey...
I see you through, though there are no signs of you?
The truth is mine alone...
Barrels of fouls parade along my shore,
pronning their heads to my waitress to be
Wondering there, just like me: 'Were all those bottles ever meant... to keep?'
Closing time starts its arrival... unwillingly,
I need to ask my waitress the usual:
And so I wave
And so u smile
I pay.
We leave alone... where to? Home?
Uncertainty takes its place,
I question my 'body of mind': were all those barrels worthwhile?
Will she dream of me tonight?
Lx, Junho 2005
(last edition: 24July2010)
Cats can learn the UNDERwaterLOVE too!
A dear lez friend sent me this video, which i thought was great!
Enjoy u all:)
Friday, July 23, 2010
"Fazedora de Letras" #69 (2)
"Fazedora de Letras" #69 (1)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
"Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman" (by Haruki Murakami)

Im reading this book these days... it has been a long time, since i started to read a book from beginning to end... life has become such a "rush" lately... and not in a good way!? sigh
But Ive decided i will break the "strss" in it, even by "force" if necessary!?lol ;) and so... Im starting a new book:) And here are some lines i thought were great... along with the imagining pictures...
"(...) Ainda assim, ela conseguiu desenhar uma montanha. E uma casinha no topo da montanha. Dentro da casa uma mulher dormia. E a toda a volta da casa cresciam salgueiros cegos. Tinha sido por causa dos salgueiros cegos que a mulher adormecera.
Os salgueiros cegos estão cheios de pólen, e quando umas moscas pequenas transportaram o pólen agarrado às patas para dentro do ouvido da mulher, ela caiu num sono profundo.
Visto de fora, à superfície da terra, um salgueiro cego pode parecer pequeno, mas tem umas raízes espantosamente profundas - explicou ela.- Na verdade, a partir de um determinado ponto deixa de crescer e começa a enterrar-se cada vez mais. Dir-se-ia que se alimenta de escuridão.
- E as moscas transportam o pólen para dentro do ouvido da mulher e põem-na a dormir- atalhou o meu amigo, vendo-se aflito para acender o cigarro com os fósforos húmidos. - E depois o que acontece às moscas?
- Devoram. Saciam-se e comem a carne da mulher por dentro, naturalmente - disse a namorada do meu amigo.
Agora me recordo: nesse verão, ela também escreveu um longo poema acerca do salgueiro cego e fez questão de o traduzir para nós, do princípio ao fim. (...) Inventou uma história, com base num sonho que teve certa noite e depois passou uma semana na cama a escrever esse tal poema que nunca mais acabava.
A fim de salvar a mulher adormecida do efeito do pólen, um jóvem aprestava-se a subir à montanha. (...) Abrindo caminho por entre os frondosos salgueiros cegos, o rapaz subiu vagarosamente a montanha. Ele era o primeiro a chegar lá a cima, depois dos salgueiros terem invadido tudo. Com o boné sobre os olhos, usando as mãos para afastar os enxames de moscas que à sua volta zumbiam, o jovem continuou a sua escalada, apostado em ver a mulher adormecida. A fim de a acordar do seu longo e profundo sono."
It's a bit violent... some sort of modern "Sleeping beauty" perhaps?
Im repeating this picture...I know...lol... its just that... it had to be "this one"... again?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Poema Celta de Amor (Anónimo Irlandês: séc.XV)

"Dúvidas de Amor"
(in "O Imenso Adeus")
Como passa meu amor, o meu escolhido em muitos mil?
Ninguém adivinha a dor que sinto, quando me dizem que não passa bem.
Eu sempre quis crer, que outro não era o teu amor.
Hoje porém ouvi contar um conto diverso, que me fez penar.
Não te agastes comigo, que contos contados não são verdadeiros.
Culpa não tenho, das invenções que o vento assobia?
Teus olhos matreiros só apregoam o amor, que me dá em troca do meu.
Muito gostava de ver em teus olhos, a luz de um amor que oferece sem pedir.
It's simple but truthful! It's the so called... butterfly effect!
If you never give, but take... you keep changing & destroy the so called *love wave*...
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
'Queer Lisboa' is back!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Im feeling LIFE again!!!!:)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Im so tired...sigh!

"Glory Box" by Portishead
I'm so tired, of playing...
Playing with this bow and arrow, gonna give my heart away...
Leave it to the other girls... to play
For I've been a temptress too long!...?
Give me a reason to love you?
Give me a reason to be... a woman?
I just wanna be... a woman...
From this time, unchained... always looking at a different picture,
Through this new frame of mind... a thousand flowers could bloom?
Move over... and give us some room! ye
Give me a reason... to love you
Give me a reason to be... a woman...
I just wanna be a woman... it's all i wanna be...
So don't you stop... *being a man*!;)
Just take a little look... outside!
Or from our side... when you can?
Show a little tenderness... no matter if you cry?
Give me a reason to love you!
Give me a reason to be... a woman!
Its all I wanna be... is all... woman...
For this is the beginning... of forever and ever!
oh... Its time to move on... ...
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