I've always been fascinated with this subject... and so decided to do some 'web-research' and started wondering about 'other reasons', that might have lead Eve to eat... and (above all!?)to tempt Adam in eating the apple along with her...
What if what she really wanted, was to leave Adam, and all that 'paradise/happy strai8 marriage' thing?:)
Did u know that the first woman in heaven was Lilith? Did u know that she refused to obey Adam, by saying that she was also created before 'dust', same way he was... therefore, their rights in paradise were equal?
Some say she was the first feminist ever!;)
Later on...unhappy with his given hife, Adam complained about it to God, and he 'offer' him 'Eve' instead. This time, God decided to create his new wife, out of his own 'rib', so that she would be in a 'downlow level' and obey him, with no questions ask.
Poor Lilith was thrown out of heaven into the desert. Some say she re-entered heaven, disguised as a serpent, to 'tempt Eve' back...
Is the serpent really Lilth in disguise?
What if the serpent did seduce Eve after all?
What if all she wanted was a lil woman's company in the desert?;)
Or maybe... that serpent is really not to be trustful, and she also seduced Lilith before into the desert!? Will the serpent be 'back' for more? Is she hidding a 'harem of Liliths & Eves', somewhere in the desert?
I once wrote a 'poem' 'playing' with these ideas of mine... This isnt meant to 'provoke' any christian ladies *out there*... it is just another little side-story about 'Adam & Eve'.
And so i once wrote...
'May I have ur attention please!
This post,
isnt meant to be a poem,
but my sign of protest!
What just happened in paradise was grotesque!
The serpent betrayed me
God mistreated me
And Adam... poor adam... was just another 'jerk' lost in paradise...
But what about sweet Lilith?
Does anyone in here, knows what has become of fair Lilith?
I heard she was sent to the desert, for desobeying Adam's commands... Where did she go?
Do anyone of u fairies know?
Coz... Im Eve's revenge!
A new born Amazon!
Whose single quest will be:
looking out for lilith strength... and put that serpent to rest!'