Well... I think I hate you!?... Isn't this fun?
What train did you step off of ?...anyway... I really don't care.

I'm the luckiest... girl?!... 'gonna lie with you baby...
'Cause... there's nowhere else, I can... lay...?

I'll go join the marines! ...and then...
...I will peacefully sail... away with some safe magazines...
If people were cars, I'd be covered with scars?
I'll hold on to my dignity... I bought this old dress, to cover the mess... Don't take it off!? I don't want you... I don't want you... to see!!
Stop singing that song!
Maybe you're from the moon? Sensibility tells me that... this is too soon!? Oh... my bones are bare... I'm the luckiest girl... *sigh* Yeah... and I want you baby!? ...more than anything else...
Love me... or dont... i really dont care anymore... u will beg my luv again, but will never be the same.